Do you feel guilty for not spending enough time with your kids?


I’m exactly where I should be, doing exactly what I want to do.

A woman that truly believes this, does not wrestle with guilt.  

They believe that right where they are is where they are supposed to be. When they are at work, that’s where they should be. When they are at home, that’s where they should be.

They feel very present and in the moment.  

Women that are guilt-free also tend to love their job. They feel they are doing exactly what they should be doing.

They feel clear about where they are headed and rarely question their path.

Guilt tends to creep in as soon as you begin to doubt either of these.

As soon as you start thinking you should be somewhere else, be doing something else or being someone else…you feel guilt.

I should be spending more time with my kids.

They shouldn’t cry when I drop them off.

I should be the one to take him, not someone else.

I shouldn’t give them so much screen time.  

Guilt is often associated with the phrase “I should”, have you noticed that?

And “I should” is a phrase that implies you’re not living up to a standard.

What most working moms don’t understand is that they set their own standards.

They get to decide what is best for them and their family, always.

Women who are guilt-free have learned to set their own standards and adjust them as needed.

This is how to end working mom guilt: get clear on what you want and why (set your standard)…and then decide to go after it.

It's clarity and confidence. That's it.
