Who are you apart from your job?

Who am I apart from my job?  

For many career-driven women, this question feels confusing as motherhood begins. 

Because before kids, your job was your baby.

You would spend an immense amount of time with it.

You would think about it when you weren’t with it.

You would do almost anything for it.

You would think about how to develop it and grow it.

But then, actual babies come along and your priorities change…

Or do they?  

For most ambitious women, the shift from being all-in to your job to being all-in to your kid is not a natural one. 

There is a period of identity loss that comes when you stop making your job the #1 priority.

And yet, your identity is not defined by your job. It never has been. 

And in order for you to make calm and confident choices about your career, you have to separate your identity from work. 

You have to believe that you are more than just your job. 

You have to know who you are apart from your job.

In episode 26 of my podcast, Erin talks about what it took for her to separate herself from her work. She was overwhelmed with work and unhappy with the balance in her life. 

When she started the coaching process, she thought she was going to let down her team. She expected her boss to be disappointed. She assumed she wouldn’t be able to get as much done.

But what happened instead?

🔥She started working less hours while increasing her productivity

🔥She confidently decided to leave work every day at 5pm to spend time with her family

🔥She felt more confident in her decisions

🔥She started controlling her calendar and commitments, so it wasn’t always filled with meetings

🔥She took guilt-free time for herself 

🔥She gained a clear understanding of who she is and what makes her great at her job and what makes her great as a mom. 

In the interview, she explains some of the key tools she used to make this shift in identity.

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