How do you know your kids have value?


If you achieved nothing in this world, you’d still have immense value.

Your very existence is valuable.

Just as a baby enters this world with value, even though they have yet to do anything in their life, so you have innate value.

Your value comes from just being you.

Take a moment to really consider the paradigm shift that could happen if you truly believed this. If you truly believed your value comes from simply being you and not because you have done anything.

Life wouldn’t feel so hard.

Your body would feel lighter, like a big weight is off your shoulders.

Decisions would be easier.

Failure wouldn’t really be a factor in what you did or didn’t do.

Your self-talk would improve.

You’d spend more time considering how to show up as the best version of you and less time thinking about what needs to get done.

You’d care more for your health and soul.

You’d see investing in yourself as one of the most important things you could possibly do.

Yes, my friend….you don’t have to keep doing in order to feel good about yourself and your life.

You can feel good about it right now by simply focusing your attention not on getting things done, but on simply showing up as the best version of you.

Take a deep breathe and sink into your value. Your human value.

You are valuable. No matter what you do. Live in that freedom.
