1:1 Coaching for career-focused working Moms
You’ve always been an ambitious career-driven woman, but since since having kids, you…
Feel pulled in so many different directions, even though you want to continue to do work you find meaningful, the “mental load” you carry is exhausting
Have lost the vision you had for your career and life and aren’t sure what you want any more because so much of who you were before kids was wrapped up in your job
Feel like you’re on a continuous emotional roller coaster – you crave more time with your family, but you fear not being as successful at work
Wonder why you aren’t more happy even though you have the career and family you’ve always wanted
Feel caught between your work life and your home life, and you know that something has to change
Do you ever…
Fear that you’ve lost your identity as a successful working woman now that you’ve added Mom to your title?
Worry that you’re missing out on your kids’ life?
Come home stressed and anxious from the office and that interferes with your ability to enjoy the time you have with your family?
Feel guilty when you leave your baby in someone else’s care so you can go to work?
Feel stuck because even though you’ve been in a successful career, it feels like your goals have completely change?
Put your own needs last because there’s no extra time between working and caring for your family?
This is normal for ambitious working moms.
This has been the experience of thousands of working moms I’ve coached and…I’ve been there too.
Before my daughter was born, I thought I’d jump right back into work and life after maternity and maintain my success and sanity.
But what I didn’t expect was to be caught between two worlds - both of which were important to me but neither one was thriving. I didn’t have enough time to spend with my kids or enough energy to put toward work.
It took a year of soul-searching before I was finally able to align who I was as a woman, mom, wife, and professional with the things that mattered most to me.
I left my full-time job, went through coaching certification, and started working with women just like you!
Here’s what I learned…
Creating an ambitious (yet balanced) working mom life that you love, and that works for both you and your family, is all about finding BALANCE, DIRECTION, and CONTROL based on today’s circumstances (it doesn’t matter what worked in the past…you need to figure out what works for you today).
“Like most new moms I was in denial about all the changes that would come my way, thought nothing would change and I could carry on as normal after returning from maternity leave….was I wrong!!! Thankfully Rebecca’s coaching provided me with the tools to navigate through this new chapter in life. I still have a ways to go, but now I know how to get there.” – Brittany Holmes

Imagine if you could…
Have a CLEAR DIRECTION on exactly what you need to prioritize based on your long-term vision and goals
Create a HEALTHY WORK-LIFE BALANCE so you continue to do work that challenges and motivates you while also feeling present and connected at home
CONFIDENTLY SAY YES to career opportunities without second-guessing your desires and decisions or worrying about how they will impact your family
Gain a deep understanding of who you are so that you FEEL CONFIDENT in holding to your boundaries
Enjoy a MEANINGFUL CAREER and still feel like you spend enough TIME WITH YOUR KIDS
Experience NO REGRETS, knowing without a doubt you are good at your job and as a mom
This individualized 1:1 coaching program will help you create a clear roadmap to navigate your successful career and your life as a rock-star mom.
You’ll leave feeling CLEAR, CONFIDENT and IN CONTROL of your time, energy and goals.
You’ll walk away with:
Confidence to believe in yourself as a career-minded woman in the workforce and as a great mom
Direction and clarity on your career path, priorities as a mom, and your life dreams
Work-life balance so you can create boundaries and make confident decisions on when you want to work, when you don’t, and manage your work brain when you’re home
A positive mindset so you can end negative self-talk and shift your brain from “I didn’t do enough” or “I’m not good enough” to focusing on your successes and accomplishments
Prioritizing yourself so you can make time for hobbies, friends and rest instead of productivity
Find out how in coaching, Hillary worked through her fears and took the big step to start her own business.
We’ll meet for 18 1:1 coaching sessions (via phone or video conference):
One 90-minute introductory coaching session
Seventeen 50-minute coaching sessions
Flexibility in when we meet
Continued coaching via Voxer (a voice messaging app) to ask questions, share thoughts, get real-time feedback
Full email access with replies within 24 hours
10+ workbooks to dive into a self-discovery process (details below)
Best practices, guides, meditations for in-depth self-discovery and sustainable change
“Working with Rebecca has changed my life. I gained clarity and confidence - I feel like I understand who I am and where I'm headed now. I figured out what I wanted to do with my life and changed careers with her help, something I desperately wanted to do but didn't know how to accomplish on my own. I highly recommend her!” – Katrina Reiniers-Jackson
How do I sign up?
Click the button below to answer a few questions, so we can make the most of your call.
Then, you will be automatically directed to schedule a breakthrough call where we will discuss the vision of what you want as a working mom and exactly how we will achieve that, together, through coaching.
It’s that easy!
When you sign up for coaching, you will RECEIVE a workbook in the mail with all the material we will cover in coaching.
Identifying Your Core Values
Get crystal clear on what you care about most so you can create the life you’ve always wanted.
Clarity On Career Direction
Decide whether staying at work or leaving work is your best option and how to navigate that.
Ending Negative Self-Talk
Learn to end the negative self-talk so you can lower anxiety, live more confidently, and operate out of a place of strength.
Redefine Success
Re-wire your brain so you no longer feel like you need "more time" to be more successful.
Embracing Your Identity
This is the foundation for prioritizing your life and building confidence in the roles you play.
Define Your Regret-Free Life
Name your regret-free life and orient your life to make it happen so you can leave a lasting impact on you, your kids, and the world.
Building a Tolerance for Failure
Change the way you think about failure and see failure as useful so you stop avoiding it.
Creating Your YES Criteria
This will help you determine what you should be saying yes (or no) to. And breaking the people-pleasing cycle.
What Is Your Purpose?
You are more than your work and when you embody your purpose you can create a life of significance and balance.
Decide Your Day-To-Day Priorities
Discover how to spend your time on the most important things, not necessarily the most urgent.
Allowing Others To Be Disappointed
Get comfortable with others being disappointed and learn how to navigate those icky feelings.
Creating A Work-To-Home Transition
An intentional 15-minute routine to transition from work to home so you can be present with your family and leave your worries at the door.
Career-driven moms share their coaching results…
Cathy sharing what is in her toolkit after coaching
“I can't recommend Rebecca enough! Throughout our coaching, she boosted my confidence, gave me tools to handle stressful situations, and helped me articulate what I want for my career. She is kind, empathetic, and real. She has become a very welcomed voice inside my head, and I feel like a stronger professional for having worked with her.” - Kelly
“I was balancing everything yet feeling out of control when I met Rebecca. From the outside it may look the same- meal prep and bedtimes don’t go away. But now, I have peace and confidence that I’m doing the right things for me and my family and my career.” – Grace Kim
"Rebecca helped me identify and work through the cycle of shame my brain was putting me through both at home and at work. She helped me break down my triggers and identify them much earlier in the process so I could train my brain to deal with them in a more positive nature. I came into this wanting to STOP having negative thoughts. Rebecca taught me to normalize my thoughts and work through how to deal with them in a productive way." – Lori

How do I know if coaching is right for me?
You’re ready for coaching if you…
Want to feel like your NEXT PROMOTION is a no-brainer because you feel balanced and in control of your time and energy.
Want to END the MOM GUILT that comes with being a working parent.
Want your kids to experience YOUR BEST SELF instead of getting what is left over after work.
Want to do something you are PASSIONATE about while still allowing plenty of time to be with your family.
Seek CONTROL of your schedule so you can have flexibility and freedom.
Don’t want to keep missing your little one’s milestones (like walking and talking).
Can’t wait to use all your PTO for fun, adventures and self-care (no more stockpiling and feeling guilty for using it).
Are unwilling to sacrifice being A ROCKSTAR MOM for your career.
Make over $100,000 and are willing to make an investment to create the working mom life they want
Are at a director level, or above, and want to continue moving up in their career
Consider themselves goal-oriented (or ambitious) and hate the idea of settling
Have been back from maternity leave for at least 3 months and can already see their old habits need to change
Are willing to invest time and money into creating a regret-free life
Click below to schedule your call with me to decide if coaching is YOUR NEXT STEP.
I’m a certified professional life coach who helps women navigate the transition into becoming a working mom.
I help women just like you sort out the confusion that comes with the change of being a mom so you can decide exactly what you want AND actually go after it.
By helping you find crystal clarity and confidence, I’ll help you shift your mindset and develop goals your career and home life that are no longer at odds with each other.
You CAN have a powerful and successful career AND a happy, memory-making home.
You don’t have to choose between work and your kids, and I’m here to show you how.
In case you still have questions…
+ I’ve never worked with a life coach, what should I expect?
As a coach, I believe that you are the expert of your own life. Not me. It is simply my job to help draw out your hopes, desires, and dreams for your life and guide you through a process of moving toward them. During our 1:1 sessions, we will look at what progress you have made, discuss new learnings, evaluate circumstances and design forward-moving action steps to be done between sessions. You will have full email-access to me if you need to connect between calls or need any clarification. I am here to support you and your process so that at the end you walk away with a clear plan on how to move forward.
+ What if I don’t live in your area, can I still sign up?
Absolutely! All our sessions will be done either by phone or video conference so you can literally be anywhere in the world.
+ How do I know if I will really gets results?
Integrity is everything to me.
I walk the walk and talk the talk. I am not a coach who has chosen this line of work because it sounded interesting to me. I am a coach that spent years in an unfulfilling job, missing out on the important years of my daughter’s life, spending countless hours in a commute I hated and for what?
I knew there must be more to life then the day in day out meaningless grind and once I finally figured out how to confidently clarify what I wanted out my work and home life I made choices to live into that new life and found vision and meaning in my everyday. I know you can follow the framework that I (and hundreds of working moms) used and reach the same result. You can have the career you desire balanced with the home life you crave. It takes confidence, clarity and guts.
+ How do I know if this program is right for me?
If you are an action taking, courageous living, I-want-the-most-out-of-life kinda woman, then yes, this program is for you! It is specifically tailored for working moms who feel caught between family and work.
PLUS, we will determine if it’s right for you during your FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL to can get all your questions answered and make the best decision for you and your family. Click here to book your call!
+ Will you help me find a new career?
Not exactly. Unlike most career coaching, I am not going to match your skills and personality with a list of possible careers.
Instead, I will help you uncover your passions, leverage the value you bring to the workplace and design a rhythm of life that allows you to unplug guilt-free and start enjoying your life…today. For some, this may result in a career change or schedule change and we will work through the possibilities together.
+ Can I get a discount?
Yes! If you pay-in-full, you will receive up to a 10% discount off my standard price.