Stop trying to get it right and focus on this instead


There isn’t some perfect set of decisions that will lead to more happiness.

More happiness doesn’t come from making "right" decisions.

It’s not a magical mix of a perfect job, helpful husband, money or clean house.

Happiness is an emotion, not a set of circumstances.

And yet, we spend a lot of time weighing each and every decision trying to ensure we get it "right".

Trying to get the most happiness out of each and every decision.

And strangely enough, this way of thinking is likely making you more and more unhappy.

In coaching, we don’t focus on getting things right.

What is right for you isn’t what’s right for someone else.

Instead, we focus on making you confident so you can make more decisive decisions, learn to evaluate them and then make more decisions based on what you learn.

What is right for you now may not be in 6 months. So, instead of focusing on getting one decision right we focus on getting you right so you can make thousands of decisions without second guessing.

There is not a "right" path in life…just the path you make right.

Click here to schedule a call and learn how to make confident decisions.
