A job never creates stress, this does...


My client is headed back to work after being on maternity with her second.

She wants to do things differently this time around but she’s returning to a new role.

She is feeling stressed and anxious that the job will demand too much of her time and energy and she will be pulled away from her family.

I told her, The job isn’t what is causing you stress and anxiety, it can’t be.

Why? She asked.

Because you haven’t even started yet.

Her eyes got really big.

The job isn’t causing anything, it’s your thoughts about it…and if you carry those thoughts into the job, of course you’ll feel those things.

Fact: There is no such thing as a "high-stress" job. A job never creates stress.

There is a job you make stressful by thinking stressful thoughts.

Pause and think about your job. What are your thoughts?

Now, think about yourself and how you’re handling the job. What are your thoughts?

If you’re thinking thoughts like: The job is hard. There is too much to do. I can’t handle it all. There’s not enough time. Then, likely, you’re feeling stressed.

If you are thinking thoughts like: I’m the perfect person for this job. I’m exactly where I want to be. I can figure this out. This is exactly what I want to do. Then, likely, you feel balanced.  

Stress and balance are both feelings that come not from the job, but your thoughts about the job.

I told my client to spend time intentionally thinking about why she wanted the job. Why she was the perfect fit. The unique qualities she brought to it. What made her good at it. I wanted her to redirect her brain to thoughts that would create confidence, instead of stress.

She shared some initial ideas and immediately felt energized. It happened in an instant.

It doesn’t take time, just a willingness to think in new ways.
