It’s easy to get sucked into the monotony of life when everything you do feels like a "have to".
I HAVE to work, we need the money.
I HAVE to cook so we can eat.
I HAVE to get the kids outside so they can burn some energy.
I HAVE to get to sleep by 10:00 p.m. so I’m not a zombie in the morning.
You wanted to be a mom, but in order to really feel on top of life it’s turned into a series of "have to’s".
COVID only magnified the issue. You added on…
I HAVE to get my kid on their zoom class.
I HAVE to try and keep things normal for the family.
I HAVE to limit screen time.
These thoughts create a lot of pressure and exhaustion.
So let me set the record straight… you don’t have to do any damn thing in your life.
Life is always a blank slate that you get to add to.
Of course, you will likely WANT to add work, feeding your family, helping your kid with remote learning and getting to bed at a decent hour…but when your brain WANTS to do these things it feels different.
It gives you power and control. It makes things more fun.
Get your brain on board with why you WANT to do things and delete "have to" from your vocabulary.