Balance foundations: How to control your mental energy

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In this week's episode of the podcast, I'm tackling how to regain control over your energy as a busy working mom.

We all know how exhausting it can be to juggle everything, but today, I'm sharing 2 powerful tools to help you reclaim your mental and physical energy.

This is the last step in my 3 step process, if you're tired of feeling drained and overwhelmed, you won't want to miss this episode!

Topics in this episode: 

  • Acknowledging the challenges of summer's end and the back-to-school transition. 

  • The importance of controlling your mental and physical energy for better work-life balance. 

  • A daily 10-minute practice to start your day with positive energy. 

  • Steps for an effective work-to-home transition to disconnect and recharge. 

  • Understanding and managing mental exhaustion to prevent burnout. 

 Show Notes & References: 

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