Laura graduated from coaching a year ago and took everything she learned to finally leave a job that she no longer enjoyed to follow her dream. She shares about how pivotal naming her purpose was in the journey, how overcoming perfectionism was essential and what it took for her to invest in her future happiness. Laura highlights several coaching tools that were essential in her journey and names one particular practice that brought control and clarity.
Feeling unmotivated at work?
Your purpose in life and your job are not one in the same, but they are deeply connected. Your career must feel purposeful if you are going to create a balanced life. In this podcast I will talk about the journey to discover my life’s purpose and how it informed my career decisions. I will breakdown 5 truths about your purpose and discuss what you need to do if your career has lost its motivation.
How to Develop Self-Compassion
Tune in this week to discover the importance of self-compassion. Instead of beating yourself up and stuffing your emotions away when you fail, feel inadequate or face hardship, I will teach you how to treat yourself with kindness. There are two cycles women get stuck in when they feel inadequate, and I will explain how to identify and ultimately get yourself out of them so that you can keep moving forward without all the lingering emotion.
The Secret to Prioritizing Yourself
Self-care is an important part of staying sane as working moms and yet for many women it is extremely hard to do. We just simply aren’t the priority. In this episode I will share the secret to unlocking how to prioritize yourself. There is just one thing that separates women who are able to prioritize themselves and women who are not.
Regaining confidence after motherhood
Experiencing a dip in confidence after motherhood is normal. Learning to care for an infant is a brand-new experience for most women that leaves them questioning – will I be any good at this? In this episode I will breakdown why confidence wanes after motherhood and give 3 specific ways to increase it.
Unplug from work in 4 easy steps
Learning to unplug and turn off your work brain at the end of a workday or on a weekend is an important skill when creating a balanced life. Our brains crave rest and unplugging from email and notifications is one of the easiest ways to achieve that. But, of course, it is much harder said than done. Unplugging from work is not easy for many ambitious women and so in this episode I will dive into why unplugging is important, what gets in the way of unplugging and then give you a 4-step process for how to unplug.
Welcome Disappointment
Disappointment is not what you think it is. It's not something you want to avoid, it's not something that says you're doing something wrong, it's not something that indicates you're not good enough or you're not capable. Disappointment is actually in an emotion that ambitious women experience when they go after big things! It's an emotion that we actually want to have around because it tells us we're on the right track. In this podcast I want to help you learn to normalize and welcome disappointment while loving yourself through the process.
Goals Change After Motherhood
Before kids our ambitions were focused on our career. But after kids, our goals seem to change. Success is no longer just about our career, it's about being a great mom as well. And those two things can often feel like complete opposites. In this podcast I will to talk about the shifts that are required when we set a new ambitious goal of having both a successful career AND a happy home life. I will breakdown how being successful in your career actually supports you being a great mom and talk through what to expect when you set out to achieve both.