Stop saying “This shouldn’t be hard”

Stop saying “This shouldn’t be hard”

Nobody promised ease in life. Nobody said being a working mom, a parent, a partner, finding work-life balance, getting a fulfilling job or putting up boundaries would be easy. So what would happen if you dropped that expectation and moved into radical acceptance that things are meant to be hard? In today’s podcast, I’m sharing how when you stop fighting the “hard” in life, you open up to problem solve differently so you reach your goals faster and with more ease.

Prioritizing your marriage (with Dr. Chavonne Perotte)

Prioritizing your marriage (with Dr. Chavonne Perotte)

What does it take to start moving your marriage up the priority list (even if your spouse does not)? To answer this question, I invited life and marriage coach, Dr. Chavonne Perotte, to share with us some strategies and tools she uses in her coaching practice. We talk about what it takes to get on the same team so it’s not you against your spouse as you navigate challenges like: how to make household duties and responsibilities more equitable? We talk about creating a culture change in your marriage where you make decisions together as roles and responsibilities shift. And Dr. Chavonne shares about the importance of connection and how to foster it, in just a few minutes a day.

How to let go of how others feel

How to let go of how others feel

“I don’t know how to make him happy.” “I don't want her to cry.” “I need to make sure she understands.” “I don’t want them to feel disappointed.” “I want them to feel like I care.” What do each of these thoughts have in common? They have you trying to control how someone else feels, which is actually something that is never in your control. In today’s podcast I talk about why you should stop trying to make other people feel a certain way and why it's OK to let people feel any emotions (even the icky ones).

Feeling your feelings (with Dr. Skylar Clark)

Feeling your feelings (with Dr. Skylar Clark)

Feelings are meant to be felt - this was a new concept for Dr. Skylar Clark. Just over a year ago she moved her family of 6 from one coast to the other, navigating 4 new schools, a new city, new culture, new job and no family in town to help. Skylar came to coaching wanting to create new systems and structures to help her manage life, but instead she left with a toolkit filled with strategies to help her manage, not just her chaotic circumstances, but the chaos inside herself. Listen in as Skylar walks you through the #1 tool she learned in coaching – how to feeling your feelings.

The endless to do list

The endless to do list

You get to decide what you want to think about your to do list. You could decide to think “I’m behind” or “I’m not getting enough done”, which is likely going to leave you feeling inadequate and exhausted or you can choose to think “I’m on top of everything” or “I know what I’m doing”, which will have you feeling successful and accomplished. In today’s podcast, I’m talking about how important your thoughts are when it comes to your to do list. I will walk you through the kinds of thoughts that are not to think and I’ll give examples of exactly what you need to think in order to walk away from work feeling accomplished, successful and satisfied (no matter how many things you checked off the list). And then at the end, I offer one very simple five minute practice to help you get out of “it’s not enough” thinking.

How to feel certain

How to feel certain

It’s very uncomfortable for your brain to be in uncertainty. To not know. To be unclear on the answer. To not be sure that something is right. When you feel uncertain and are unable to make a decision, you start to feel stuck and your brain experiences tunnel vision (where it hyper focuses on the problem). In today’s podcast I am talking about what to do when you feel uncertain. There’s a magical question I ask my clients, when they’re in a state of not knowing (in other words uncertainty) that helps get them out of the problem so they can think clearly and make powerful decisions to move forward without guilt or anxiety. Tune in to learn more about how it works.