How to Keep Up With Everything, Without Losing Your Mind


There is a thin line between being a high achiever and a perfectionist.

Both types display many similar qualities and achievements but what sets them apart is what is happening on the inside (their thoughts, feelings and energy).

For example...

A high achiever moves forward with focus and is always seeking growth over the final outcome. A perfectionist moves forward only when they are 100% certain of the outcome and know they will succeed.

A high achiever has a strong sense of self-belief and their internal chatter is mostly positive. A perfectionist lacks confidence and is often overcome with negative self-talk.

Outwardly, both are moving forward and accomplishing things but the high achiever does it with a greater sense of happiness. And isn’t that what it is all about? Being happy.

Getting things done and being happy; this is the definition of a high achiever.

In my recent Facebook live, I taught about the difference between high achievers and perfectionists and gave you a 3 step process to unlearn your perfectionist tendencies. Did you miss it?

---------> Click Here to watch a recording of How to Choose Not to be Perfect

Perfectionist tendencies are simply LEARNED behaviors…which means you can unlearn them. You can choose to think, feel and act differently.

Essentially, you can choose to not be perfect.

As a life coach for working moms, I speak to many women looking to overcome their perfectionism. I can usually identify them by the way they describe life. For example, "I’m simply trying to figure out how to keep up with everything without losing my mind."

How do I know this is a perfectionist thought? They think they can do it all…a high achiever doesn’t. A high achiever knows how to focus on the essential few and feel satisfied with that.

Here is the thing, you can be a high achiever, get everything done AND feel awesome about yourself and life. It simply requires 3 steps: Understand yourself, prioritize yourself and manage yourself.

When you understand yourself, you are able to identify your perfectionist habits that simply aren't helpful and understand why. When you prioritize yourself, you create space to work on these habits and leverage them for good. And when you manage yourself, you learn how to adjust the perfectionist tendencies in the moment so you are in control of your happiness.

Need help making this shift from perfectionist to high achiever. Click here and let's tackle the first step together on a free breakthrough call.
