How my client stopped working weekends

The last two weeks for my client, Nikki, have been brutal. 

The amount of meetings, client requests and demands from her team all seemed to come to a head at the exact same time.

And yet, she still never worked evenings or weekends. 

She hit the ground running every day and left the office when she planned to, leaving all the demands and requests waiting for her the next day. 

Instead, she cooked dinner for the family, snuggled with her two little ones, stayed present for bedtime and family time. 

Nikki dreamed of this kind of control 4 months ago when she started coaching. 

She dreamed of a balanced life where work stayed at work and home stayed at home. Where she could shut down her work-brain and be fully present with her kids at the end of a workday. 

And now, she can. 

Here is how she did it….

Rather than increase the amount of time she worked and increase her preparedness…she increased trust in herself. 

🔥She increased her belief that she already had all the information inside her. 

🔥She increased her thoughts that she was the perfect person for this job and others thought so too. 

🔥She increased the belief that she was not paid to be prepared but to be present and make wise decisions. 

And though it was a full and busy week, it was not an overworked week. 

That is the goal when living an ambitious and balanced life…not to overwork so you feel prepared…but to work the amount you want and trust you can figure out the rest. 
